Saturday, October 25, 2008

Google good or bad?

Well, the good news is that after installing some of the new Google components onto my computer I just gleemed with pride and finally had the feeling I was getting in touch with my 'inner geek' as my friend Craig calls me. The bad news is that now my computer is struggling just to keep up with what is running my desktop applications! It seems all the Google stuff takes up a LOT of RAM!

In fact, it takes up so much memory on my little PC that I may have to remove the new Google stuff. It makes me sad to think that I once again will have to let my 'inner geek' go but until I can upgrade to a new computer I guess I will.

On a side note: a new friend suggested I take a look at Google Reader for some of the work I have been doing. It looks great and I am excited to get more into it. Thanks Ryan!

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