Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Reluctant Eater - dispelling the myth

Ryan Wanger, Boulder's own Reluctant Eater, on his blog has done one of my favorite things - busted a common myth! It turns out, that despite what some commercials on television suggest, research is showing links between diabetes and obesity with the intake of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) especially among children. To read more check out Ryan's blog at

On a side note: Ryan points out another very interesting fact - that Google and its search engine stats are an accurate indicator of public interest in a given subject in the media. Ryan says "when people are interested in something, they google it."

So I guess it is once again proven that just because the Boob Tube speaks it, it doesn't make it true. Thanks Ryan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, the internet these days is an amazing place for information junkies. I LOVE poking around and trying to spot trends.

In fact, maybe I earmark one day each week as "trends day"?

Keep up the good work hippo!